Canadian Visa for Polish citizens

Almost all Polish citizens love to travel. Whether it is in Europe or to the other continents, if you are a Polish citizen, you will definitely try to find a way to travel.
How about Canada? This second-largest country in the world offers a lot of extraordinary experiences.
To visit Canada you don’t need to have a regular visa from the embassy anymore – what you need to do is to apply for eTA Canada.
This electronic travel authorization document is obligatory secure permission when you plan to travel to Canada by plane, and getting it is very easy and takes only a few moments.
How to apply for eTA Canada
As a Polish citizen, you have the right to apply for eTA. You can do it in a simple way by using our website and clicking on the button “apply”. You will be asked to fill the online form.
This questionnaire is easy and you shouldn’t have any problems with providing the information – it has to be basic data: your birthplace, your nationality and the reason for your travel.
Remember that with eTA you can enter Canada only in tourist or buisness purposes – there is no possibility to work with eTA. You will also need to put your passport details, and what’s important, your document has to be valid for at least 6 months ahead of the planned trip.
When you put all your data into the online form, you will be asked for the preferred payment method. You can pay for your eTA by credit or a debit card, as well as trough other methods of payment (including PayPal).
ETA costs 49 Euros only and at this price, you can enjoy your permission for 5 years. During this period, you can enter Canadian territory multiple times – just remember that your stay cannot be longer than half a year at a time.
After the whole process, you will receive an email with a confirmation and a special number of your request, which you can use when you want to simply check the status of your visa.
Normally, eTA is granted in 72 hours, but in most cases, you will have to wait a few hours only to enjoy your eTA to Canada.
Requirements for Polish citizens
When you already know that as a Polish citizen you can easily apply for eTA, first make sure that you meet all the requirements needed for this application
The most important are two of them – not being recorded for any serious crimes or abuses and possessing a valid (at least 6 months), biometrical passport.
In the first case, if you are noted by police or you have some serious sentence on your account, you will not be let into Canada; however, the “soft”, non-serious offences don’t count – you will not have a problem for being fined for speeding.
However, if your situation is not clear, you will be asked to send additional documents.
The second thing is the passport and its validity. ETA is electrically connected with your passport, that’s why any changes in this document require a new eTA application.
If your passport will expire, or you will lose your passport, you will definitely need to make another eTA request.
It is important that your passport should be biometrical, as it was mentioned – it means, that it has to have an electronic chip, which allows the border officer to read your eTA connected with this document.
If you are under 18, you also need to apply for an eTA.
Why should you travel to Canada?
If you are decided to travel to Canada, you probably already have an idea what you want to see in this country. This land has a lot of beautiful, big and very clear lakes where you can rent a Kayak or just swim.
For the enthusiasts of climbing, there is also a lot of opportunities, and if you will decide just to make a walking expedition through a part of Canada, you will be for sure glad to stay at one of the cheap backpacker hostels.
Some places in Canada have really historical trails; like a Dawson City, a small village made before only for the adventure seekers who came to Canada during the famous period of the Gold Rush.
Whatever you will decide to do, eTA is the easiest and the most comfortable way to get into this beautiful country without any complications.